


Since the first beginnings of Christianity, People distinguished by their virtuous and pious life have been venerated as outstanding wittnesses of the Christian faith, as Saints. The beginnings of the veneration of Saints is closely connected with the veneration of the early Martyrs. In the fourth Century, this concept of Martyrs was extended, so that not only by prosecution and assassination someone could gain the merits of martyrdom, but also through a heroic virtuousness - and especially, when his saintliness was confirmed posthumous by extraordinary signs or miracles.


To prevent disorderly exaggerations of veneration, during the past Centuries, a Canonical examination and approval process has been developed, with which the veneration of a Saint was objectified with he help of clear criteria.


Accordingly, the conditions for Beatification or Canonisation of a candidate are proven in two steps: first, in the process of Beatification, secondly, in the process of Canonisation. Only after Imprimatur and a solemn Papal Declaration, the Beatification or Saintliness of a candidate is acknowledged.


In the process of Beatification, an Episcopal Commission collects all data about the candidate's way of life, virtuousness, reputation of a saintly living and miracles upon his intercession. Also, the veneration of a candidate has to be examined. Accountable for this process is the Bishop of the diocese, where the respective person had died. The collected material with the proposal for Beatification is send to Rome. There, it will be examined in the mentioned process of Beatification and eventually, with a recommendation of opinion, presented to the Pope (see Schulz, p.49ff).


Therese is venerated since her death, her life was obviously virtuous, and many miracles have happened during her life time and since her death. Countless people wish her Saintliness to be authorized by the Church. Alone to the Rectory of Konnersreuth, more than 40,000 motions have been submitted for a process of Beatification, coming from all over the world.


 Up to this day, no process of Beatification has been started by the Diocese of Regensburg. The Bishop of Regensburg has already received thousands of petitions for starting this process.



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